Voices of Fostering
Voices of Fostering brought to you by National Fostering Group.
Everyone’s life takes a different path. As children and young people decisions can be made for us that shape our lives forever – whether for good or bad. As adults, we have the opportunity to make our own choices. And what we choose can have a positive impact on us and the world around us. Particularly if one of those choices is fostering. When you listen to the stories of children and young people whose lives have been touched by foster carers, you start to see the impact that fostering can have. When you decide to foster, it’s hard to imagine just how big a difference you could make. Not just to the young people you foster, but rippling out into countless other lives. Your choice to foster could transform the life chances of some of the most vulnerable people in society. In this podcast, you’ll hear young people who were fostered, birth children and foster carers talking openly and candidly about their experiences. You’ll get to understand why fostering can be simultaneously the most rewarding and the most challenging thing you’ll ever do and why embarking on this extraordinary journey changes people forever. If you’ve ever been curious about what it really means to foster, what difference it really makes, you’ll find the answers here.
Voices of Fostering
Scott - We started fostering in our early 20s!
In the latest episode of our Voices of Fostering podcast, Helen speaks with Scott, a foster carer who started fostering in his early 20s. Scott speaks about what inspired him and his wife to step into fostering, how they navigated the challenges of starting during the pandemic, and the emotional experience of welcoming their first placement—two brothers—right before Christmas.
If you would like to find out more about fostering please visit our website here.
If you have any questions that you would like to be answered on our next episode email podcast@nfa.co.uk
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00:00:00 Helen
Welcome along to this episode of Voices of Fostering where I'm delighted today to be joined by Foster carer Scott. Hello, Scott.
00:00:09 Scott
Hello, you alright?
00:00:10 Helen
Yeah, good. Thank you. How are you?
00:00:12 Scott
I'm good. Thank you.
00:00:14 Helen
Well, it's wonderful to have you with us today and I can't wait to hear all about your story and and what led you to to be in a foster care.
00:00:22 Helen
It's been a few years now, hasn't it? Three years, but doing some maths that means that you were maybe being assessed to be a foster carer during COVID? No. So. So how did that go then? Tell us all about it.
00:00:36 Scott
So I actually sort of went through the process towards the end of COVID. We were quite lucky because when we went through assessments as sort of when they first started doing face to face assessments again instead of over virtual.
00:00:39 Helen
00:00:50 Helen
Yeah. So it was better being, you know, in in person rather than than doing everything online and and what was it that that led you to want to?
00:00:59 Helen
Be a foster care.
00:01:00 Helen
Chris Scott.
00:01:01 Scott
So my wife'll mum and.
00:01:03 Scott
Stepdad are actually foster carers.
00:01:05 Helen
Oh wow. OK.
00:01:06 Scott
And they've been for about 10 years now, so we've always been around that the the sort of industry, shall we say, and and we've, you know, we've seen how they've changed children's lives and how it's helped them grow as people as well. And and it's so we just sort of fell into.
00:01:14 Helen
00:01:23 Scott
00:01:24 Helen
Yeah. So what was it like at the at the very beginning? You know, how how did you feel when you were going for assessment and what and what was the assessment process like?
00:01:34 Scott
Speaking of, I was really nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I've never done any sort of childcare before.
00:01:42 Scott
So basically we foster other agency called Heath Farm fostering. They're an amazing agency. So when you first sort of get in touch with them and you have your, your recruitment officer come out and she.
00:01:55 Scott
00:01:55 Scott
She settles all your nerves within minutes of speaking to her. She is absolutely amazing and she basically talks us through the process.
00:02:03 Scott
And basically where it goes from there, we had a few visits with with her, and then we get passed on to a independent assessor.
00:02:12 Scott
So that's so it's non biassed. Somebody complete doesn't know us.
00:02:16 Scott
And he comes see him. Then we have to complete a form F and that's kind of your whole life story going back as far as you can remember.
00:02:26 Helen
It's quite involved, isn't it? Yeah.
00:02:26 Scott
Always your child.
00:02:28 Scott
It is, yes, and it's it is. Don't worry, it can feel quite.
00:02:33 Scott
Tricky cause you're trying to remember everything.
00:02:35 Scott
But the people doing assessments, obviously they're highly trained and they are very good at their jobs as well. And when you get your F4F back to sort of approve that at the end it's like.
00:02:43 Scott
You're reading a book about yourself.
00:02:45 Helen
00:02:47 Helen
Yeah, sort of like you've written your autobiography. So was there anything at the beginning, Scott, that maybe you were concerned about? You know what, what were your sort of misconceptions, maybe or the things that you were worried about and and how were they dealt with? Can you think of?
00:03:06 Helen
Anything in particular?
00:03:07 Scott
I think a big.
00:03:08 Scott
Thing for us was our age.
00:03:11 Scott
So we obviously went through quite young, so a little bit about 22 going on to 23 when we went through the process and we haven't got kids of our.
00:03:21 Scott
00:03:22 Scott
So it was always in the back of our mind. Can we do this with how little spirits we have looking after children?
00:03:31 Scott
But like I said, Heath Farm, the support you get from him is amazing.
00:03:35 Scott
And and the recruitment also Shields with us every step of the way. Just a phone call away. Any doubts we we spoke to her and she just set us at ease really.
00:03:45 Helen
Yeah. So I suppose wanting to become a foster carer in your early 20s maybe is unusual. Did did you feel that you were taken seriously, though?
00:03:58 Scott
We did. We did begin with.
00:03:59 Scott
We, well, I'll say to begin with, yeah, we we we was taken very seriously.
00:04:04 Scott
Like I said.
00:04:05 Scott
I could only tell you some experience from my agency and we are treated as equal professionals there.
00:04:10 Helen
00:04:11 Helen
Brilliant. So tell us about your your first placement then obviously you, you know, you do your assessment, you for math, you find out you've been approved at imagine that was a, you know, a wonderful moment. And then your first placement. How did that happen?
00:04:27 Scott
So we so we've got approved in November 2021. So that's when we met with our panel.
00:04:34 Scott
And we didn't actually get our first placement until December of 2021. So as was a little bit of a unique circumstance. So we actually got our boys a week before Christmas.
00:04:46 Helen
Oh wow.
00:04:48 Scott
So that was a very stressful time and it was our boys first time in foster care as well. So it was actually quite a nice thing because they didn't know what to expect and we didn't know what to expect.
00:05:00 Helen
00:05:02 Scott
So yeah, leading up to that, once we've every panel, we got alligator, our social, our supervised and social worker.
00:05:09 Scott
Who basically makes sure you're doing a train and they're they're like your one to one support. They're your go to.
00:05:15 Scott
And basically we we got our referrals through.
00:05:20 Scott
Read through them and she supported us with them.
00:05:23 Scott
And then, yeah, so we we went for our two boys, we got approved for them and we were matched for them.
00:05:28 Scott
They they turned up, and I normally I've never been so scared in my life.
00:05:32 Helen
Yeah, I was just going to ask you, what did you feel like at that time? Can you remember the feelings?
00:05:39 Scott
00:05:39 Scott
And remember it like it was yesterday. I could do the butterflies in my stomach. I can start to get shakes.
00:05:41 Helen
00:05:46 Scott
And as much as soon as we answered the door, our hearts just broke because you least you got these two, two small, vulnerable children on your doorstep, scared just as scared as we.
00:05:58 Helen
Are, yeah.
00:05:59 Scott
We've never met them before and it was it was heartbreaking. They they they came into our house. It was around Christmas time. We had all the Christmas decorations.
00:06:09 Scott
Up. Yeah, so.
00:06:10 Scott
That I think that, you know, helps them feel quite homely to begin with and.
00:06:16 Scott
We had a few conversations with them with their social workers at.
00:06:18 Scott
The time and.
00:06:20 Scott
Basically, yeah, the social work when it's like, well, now we've got.
00:06:22 Scott
Two children living with us.
00:06:24 Helen
00:06:25 Scott
And like I said, very up and down, the children were so scared. They're almost like deer in headlights. Yeah, they they didn't know what to do with themselves. They didn't know what to say and all that. So we we showed them their bedrooms.
00:06:38 Scott
And we had their bedrooms all cleared out, so had all their toys ready. Their beds were already made. Everything was.
00:06:42 Scott
Ready for them to stay.
00:06:45 Scott
And they were exciting playing with their toys. And that's when me and my wife looked at each other like, yeah, you.
00:06:50 Scott
Know we are making a difference now.
00:06:52 Helen
Yeah. Yeah. Like, wow, we've done the right thing. You know, this has all been quite overwhelming and quite a lot. But yeah, and.
00:07:00 Helen
And what was?
00:07:00 Helen
That first Christmas like then for them and and for you guys.
It was. It was weird.
00:07:06 Scott
Because obviously we've, we've never had a Christmas with children in our.
00:07:08 Scott
House before, luckily.
00:07:11 Scott
My wife down here. We're very close family. So we always have Christmas around there and it was quite difficult because we've only known the children not even a week and we have to go and buy a Christmas presents for.
00:07:23 Scott
So it was literally just a mad rush, you know, go grab all this sort of thing, but also they when they came to us, I didn't actually have any.
00:07:30 Scott
Clothes or anything with them.
00:07:31 Scott
So we had to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe as well, which works. Christmas came in handy with that. It was, it was. It was quite a relaxed Christmas.
00:07:42 Scott
And you can see on the looks of the boys faces, they didn't know quite how to take the family. It was their first time meeting a lot of people.
00:07:50 Scott
But after that they just fell straight in. They are part of our family.
00:07:55 Helen
And they're still with you now.
00:07:57 Scott
They are still with us now, so we have still got our first placement.
00:08:00 Helen
Ohh so.
00:08:01 Scott
Or place them in should say so we've.
00:08:02 Scott
Got two boys which are brothers.
00:08:03 Helen
Yeah, yeah. So coming up for for three years now. So how how was the relationship sort of evolved over that time? You know what? What differences have you noticed in them? And and positive changes?
00:08:17 Scott
So when they when they first came in with us, they're like in their own bubble.
00:08:24 Scott
It's exchanged, so they're in our house, but they're in their own bubble. And if you enter that bubble, you was an enemy.
00:08:31 Scott
So we've got, so we've got no obviously they just want the youngest one.
00:08:34 Scott
The oldest.
00:08:35 Scott
One was played the parental role of the younger brother and it was quite you could see a sort of a bit of a relief when he came to us because he was. We're taking over that parental 1. He hasn't got to do that anymore. So he could actually be a child again.
00:08:50 Scott
Whereas the the younger, younger 1, he very he really struggled to come to terms with that. He was very angry when he came to us. They weren't very opening with us, so we'd asked him to do something and.
00:09:04 Scott
We just get blanked.
00:09:06 Scott
But all I can say is with with new.
00:09:08 Scott
Carers just.
00:09:10 Scott
Consistency and persist with them because these Childs need they need to.
00:09:14 Scott
Be given the.
00:09:15 Scott
Chance. And that's all. That's all they need in life and that they can.
00:09:19 Helen
Yeah. And I imagine, you know, it's quite difficult dealing with children who've come from the background that that those two children have. But you have the opportunity to have a lot of training to help you deal with that, don't you? So, you know, have you done the likes of therapeutic parenting and and that type of training?
00:09:39 Helen
And how has that helped?
00:09:42 Scott
So it.
00:09:43 Scott
Quite. I'll find it really fascinating. So when you first before you go to panel, you have your skills to foster training course. And that's a three day training course and and that's going over the basics of looking into like your safeguarding and a little bit of therapeutic parenting.
00:10:01 Scott
And then once you've done that, you have mandatory course. You have to do throughout the years before, throughout your first year and then you have optional extra courses which.
00:10:11 Scott
I was sort of. I'm going for this. I'm gonna do everything I can and I've I've hopped on all the training courses I.
00:10:17 Scott
00:10:17 Scott
Do the therapeutic training course it's it's difficult for people to understand it. Who haven't done it because they think it's just soft parenting and it's hard because a lot of people who aren't around the fostering industry.
00:10:33 Scott
Or used to vulnerable children like that. They see these children out in public and they we've had it and we get dirty looks. If our children are kicking.
00:10:44 Scott
And I don't understand how we won't raise our voices to them, and we'll stay calm.
00:10:50 Scott
Not because they haven't done that sort of training. I think therapeutic trance parenting should be across the board and available to all parents because it really does work.
00:11:00 Helen
Yeah, you know you you said Scott before you became a foster carer.
00:11:06 Helen
You didn't have any experience of of looking after children, do you? Do you think that was actually a strength really, because you've just, you've come in like a a sort of blank canvas and you've you've learned all of this and and sewed it up rather than being somebody who maybe has had birth children or experience of children before.
00:11:26 Helen
Do you think it's been a a positive for you?
00:11:30 Scott
Sometimes I think it's positive, sometimes I don't. It it helps keep your mind open to different tactics. Yeah, and techniques. It does bring a lot of self doubting yourself. If if I'm doing this right because it's it's trial and error, fostering is a lot of trial and error.
00:11:47 Helen
00:11:49 Scott
So like when I first started doing it, it was scary, but then when you start seeing the results, you're like this is amazing.
00:11:56 Helen
Yeah. Can you think of of of some instances of that, you know, moments where you thought, wow, this is all worth it? Like, you know, moments where maybe you've even been brought to tears because you've you've you've seen the positive impact that you've made?
00:12:12 Scott
So yeah, so when we first got our boys, we had to support them through their court case.
00:12:18 Scott
And that was a very stressful time for him because they they didn't know what was happening and they were staying with me and my wife or if they were going somewhere else.
00:12:25 Scott
00:12:25 Scott
They going and they didn't know. Yeah. And. And we actually had to support them. Speaking to the judge of their case, which they were petrified to do. And they request that me and my wife sat there with them.
00:12:38 Scott
And I've never seen a braver pair of boys speaking to a complete stranger opening up to them all about their feelings, and that that was amazing for us like that, actually, we've enabled them to have the.
00:12:49 Scott
00:12:51 Scott
To do that.
00:12:52 Helen
Yeah, that's incredible. And and Scott, you know I I talked to a lot of people on this podcast and I've spoken to to people who are in the 60s or 70s and they've been fostering for years and years and years. It's lovely to speak to you right at the beginning of your journey, really cause, you know, you're three years in, which is a long time, but you might foster for.
00:13:13 Helen
40 years. You know you don't know. How do you imagine your your future being? Do you think you'll do this for a long time? Like what? What do you see for yourself? And and your part?
00:13:24 Scott
I mean, this is the best thing that me and my wife has ever done and I can't see myself doing anything different. I want to be in this industry for as long as I can and help as many children as I can, and because it's not just the children that you inform the attachments with.
00:13:39 Scott
It's the other professionals.
00:13:41 Scott
And and it's really just a big family network.
00:13:45 Helen
Yeah, it's. Yeah, it really is, isn't it? And and do you think that's really enriched your life in a in a lot of different ways?
00:13:53 Scott
Yes. So not only obviously are we helping the young people would look, you know, young children's life and we also help ourselves and these days been times when we've been dealing with our children through their trauma and it's and you sort of think ohh I'm I've had that same sort of thing.
00:14:13 Scott
And so it helps you do a lot of self reflecting and helps you work through your individual problems as well.
00:14:20 Helen
Yeah, definitely, definitely. And if there was anybody watching now, Scott, who, you know, maybe was thinking about fostering, and they weren't sure. Maybe like yourselves, they're they're on the younger end of the spectrum and they think, ohh, maybe it's not for me. You know what? What advice would you give them?
00:14:38 Scott
Just go and do it.
00:14:40 Scott
Just go and do it like I said you you the process to get into it is you know it takes a few months and everybody is amazing. You get a support career with you, so you could actually talk to people who do the job as well. But yeah, all I can say is just just dive in, do it if you're unsure of yourself, don't worry cause you will be amazing because you do have the support.
00:15:01 Helen
Yeah. And what do you think are some of the things that that you and your your partner have maybe learned about yourselves along the way that is there anything that's that surprised you?
00:15:12 Scott
It surprised us how resilient we can be. Yeah, and actually, how how long we can keep calm for when we have a lot of.
00:15:19 Scott
Stuff flying.
00:15:19 Scott
At us. But it's also showing us how strong as a couple we are and actually when we're working together, we can achieve anything.
00:15:30 Helen
00:15:31 Helen
Wonderful. Well, thank you so, so much for talking to us, Scott. It's been absolutely fantastic to to hear your story and I'm sure it will be very inspiring for other people.
00:15:40 Helen
Watching so yeah, best of luck with the future and you know, maybe we'll speak to you in many years to come. And you, you can tell us, you know, about your, your long career in fostering. So thank you so much, Scott. And take care.
00:15:52 Scott
Lovely. Thank you.
00:15:54 Helen
Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of Voices of Fostering. If you'd like to get involved in the conversation, we would love to hear your questions. Maybe there's something you'd really like to ask about fostering. Get in touch. You can e-mail us on podcast@nfa.co.uk.